Home Enhancements Furniture Restoration Service

Home Portfolio Testimonials

Your Furniture Repair Service

Due to a continual ABUNDANCE of inquiries for my talent and craft on repair work, I ask for your understanding and patience in a reply from me. If there is not a reply in a few weeks, do make contact again.

I also will be taking a sabbatical December 2024 thru April 2025. It is always a privilege and pleasure to restore your items and I look forward to helping with your repairs!

Welcome to Home Enhancements! My name is Cecilia Sullivan, and I have over 45 years of experience in the repair of furniture, ceramics, accessories and more. In the Atlantic City area of Southern New Jersey, I have become known as “the lady who fixes furniture”. The services that I provide include the repair, regluing, and revitalization of dented, broken and scratched furniture; the re-weaving and caning of chairs and rush seats; bringing valued pieces back to life without the need for stripping; and restoring antiques and objects d’art that beg for attention.

Home Enhancements has a continual and proven track record for providing professional service and superior workmanship to a wide range of commercial accounts, including offices, banks, hotels, as well as our home residential clientele. I also understand and appreciate the value of family heirlooms and antiques, being sensitive to the past and understanding the needs of the repairs and the desires of my customers.

Please review my portfolio, representing an array of projects that have been brought my way. No project is too small and so far I have not had a project that has been too big. My testimonials offer only a few samples of the satisfaction that I bring to each and every client. My goal and pleasure is to exceed your expectations with my work!

How may I be of service to you? Please call or email me at

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to schedule an appointment. I look forward to meeting you and your troubled furniture.

I would love to share your comments and experience with others. Testimonials are always welcome. Please send me an email at to share your comments. Thank you!
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If there is a woven area that needs to be repaired, please include the greatest width and length measurements.
If you are able to do so, please attach photos of the damage that needs to be repaired. To include more than one photo, attach them using a .zip file. Limit 10MB – if you need to send above this limit, please e-mail to
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Home Enhancements by Cecilia LLC
5059 English Creek Avenue, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234
~ Hours by appointment only ~
(609) 646-5949

Member of the Seat Weavers’ Guild

The Seat Weavers’ Guild, Inc. Est. 2007
Click for website.

Click here to read about Cecilia in the Press of Atlantic City!


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